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Upcoming Meetings:

2025 Spring Meeting in Tallinn, 2-4 May Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre/ Tallinn School of Music and Ballet

2025 Autumn Meeting in Malaga, organized by Concerto Malaga

ECMTA Autumn meeting in Tampere Conservatoire 
13-15 October

Dear members of the ECMTA!
I have the pleasure to invite you to our 2023 Autumn Meeting which will take place on October 13-15, 2023 in Tampere.
For registration, please fill in the inscription form attached and return it to the email address The registration deadline is September 1.
Please find attached a detailed programme in Tampere and  an accommodation list for the Autumn Meeting.

Attached please find  the invitation letter  for Erasmus+ guests.

Please fill in the information NAME, TITEL, INSTITUTION (ADDRESS & RELEVANT CONTACT INFORMATION) and send the form to AND a copy to

Tampere Conservatoire has the Erasmus+ accreditation of vocational education (Tampereen Musiikkiopiston Säätiö sr / Tampereen konservatorio OID Number E10119572).

Best Regards

Maila Laidna

ECMTA Spring meeting 20-23 April in Vilnius and Kaunas

Dear ECMTA members,

The ECMTA wishes to express its deepest gratitude to the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre and Kaunas Juozas Naujalis Music Gymnasium for hosting the ECMTA Meeting!

Members’ Forum participants were:

  • Audronė Nekrošienė – Petras Kunca – Rimvydas Savickas
    “Presentation of clarinetist Rimvydas Savickas as the new representative of the Lithuanian Musicians’ Union in the ECMTA”

  • Rimvydas Savickas

    Participation in the organization of ECMTA, representing the educational aspetcs of Lithuanian wind instruments in chamber music”

  • Evan Rothstein

    Learning through teaching: several case studies”

  • Grzegorz Mania

    Sight-reading as an essential skill for any chamber musician – a presentation of the complete set of handbooks for intermediate and advanced pianists”

  • Ewa Leszczyńska

    Some aspects of self-partenring as a specific way of chamber music making”

  • Piotr Rozanski

    Sonatas for violin and piano by Mieczyslaw Wajnberg (Weinberg) – pianist’s perspective”

  • Joanna Maklakiewicz

    Duos for piano and violin-Piotr Janowski arrangements”

  • Pekka Helasvuo

    The recently published Chamber Music volumes of JSW and practical editions”

  • Piret Väinmaa

    Piano and percussion ensemble: finding original repertoire for younger performers”

  • Yiannis Miralis

    Saxophone chamber music by Dimitri Nicolaou”

We would also like to especially thank our excellent Key Speakers:

  • Prof. Mindaugas Urbaitis (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)
    “Classical music in contemporary chamber works of Lithuanian composers“

  • Marta Finkelštein (LMTA Chamber Ensemble Department doctoral student)
    “Playing in contemporaneity. The curatorial approach to concert design”

  • Gretchen Amussen “Understanding Power Relations and Hierarchies of Power: What might this suggest for chamber musicians and for teaching chamber music?”

 The ECMTA chair would like to sincerely thank everyone for their efforts in making our Spring meeting a resounding success.

Marje Lohuaru.
We look forward to our next meeting in Tampere, (Finland) on October 13-15, 2023.

ECMTA Autumn Meeting 2022

Dear ECMTA members,

We at the ECMTA would like to express our sincere appreciation to the Torino Conservatory for planning, hosting and executing such a successful ECMTA Autumn Meeting. The Members’ Forum presentations demonstrated the vast area of expertise of our members.
  • Tiiu Sisask-Maila Laidna “Piano duo specifics through the example of      Rachmaninoff and Lutoslawski pieces”

  • Emlyn Stam “Update on ensemble academy activities”

  • Evan Rothstein “Repertoire planning in a chamber music class: developing long-term skills with short-term goals”

  • Indrė Baikštytė “Physical Disorders of Performers and Their Prevention”

  • Pekka Helasvuo “Publication of practical editions of Jean Sibelius’ Works”

  • Piotr Rozanski Chamber music in piano left-hand repertoire “

  • Petras Kunca “Chamber music novelties from Lithuania”


We would also like to especially thank our excellent Key Speakers:

Marco Zuccarini “Reflections on teaching chamber music –  Repertoire, how to study the score, rehearsals organization”

Erik Battaglia “Chamber Music with Voice. Singing Instruments and Obbligato Singing”

Francesco Dillon “Playing while listening, listening while playing”

We thank all the ECMTA members for making it such a memorable time for all participants.
We are looking forward to our ECMTA Spring Meeting on 21–23 April in Vilnius.
Maila Laidna
Secretary of the ECMTA


ECMTA Autumn Gathering, 28 – 30 October, 2022 Turin, Italy

Dear members of the European Chamber Music Teachers’ Association,

On behalf of the ECMTA chairwoman Marje Lohuaru, I have the pleasure to invite you to the 2022 Autumn Meeting of members of the European Chamber Music Teachers’ Association that will take place on 28-30 October 2022 in Turin, Italy.
 For registration, please fill in the inscription form attached and return it to the email address The registration deadline is September 26!

 The registration fee is included for ECMTA members. Non-members are required to pay a registration fee of 25 EUR to the following bank account:

Luminor Bank AS EE621700017004017862


This year’s programme includes keynote lectures by
Marco Zuccarini “Reflections on teaching chamber music –  Repertoire, how to study the score, rehearsals organization”

Erik Battaglia “Chamber Music with Voice. Singing Instruments and Obbligato Singing”  

Francesco Dillon “Playing while listening, listening while playing”                                                         

Please find attached a detailed programme and accommodation list for the Autumn Meeting.

I would appreciate it if all interested in making a short presentation of around 10 minutes in the Members’ Forum could let me know the topic of your presentation by October 1, 2022.

The ECMTA wishes to express its deepest gratitude to The State Conservatory “Giuseppe Verdi” of Turin for hosting our event and for its ongoing support!

I very much look forward to meeting you in Turin. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Maila Laidna
Secretary of the ECMTA

Autumn Gathering in Turin 2022 inscription form

Accommodation in Turin

Agenda of the Turin meeting

Members’ Forum


ECMTA would like to thank everyone who made Spring Meeting a reality with their commitment, endeavor and support

The ECMTA Annual Spring Meeting in the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre was filled with seminars, workshops and concerts from April 29 – May 1, 2022

The ECMTA wishes to express its deepest gratitude to the host of the meeting – the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre for their tremendous support and cooperation!

NB! RESULTS of the election:

Election of the Chairperson:
Marje Lohuaru

Members of the Board:
Carlo Bertola
Eilis Cranitch
Katarzyna Jankowska-Borzykowska
Petras Kunca
Katariina Liimatainen
Paulo Pacheco
Piret Väinmaa
Deputy members:
Yiannis Miralis
Tuomas Untamala

NB! Save the dates!

The next meeting of the European Chamber Music Teachers’ Association will take place in Turin, Italy on October 28-30, 2022.

Registration available soon at

8. oct 2021 - ECMTA Autumn Gathering in Vilnius, Lithuania, October, 8-10, 2021

NB! The meeting will be held online.

The ECMTA Autumn gathering

Dear all,
Our premiere online General Assembly meeting was organised on September 6 and I would like to thank all of you who could join us!
I would like to invite you to the online ECMTA Autumn meeting on Saturday October 24, 2020 from 10:00 – 13.00 CET.

Agenda for the meeting:
– Official Welcome
– Keynote speakers: Emlyn Stam (the New European Ensemble) “In Search of a Lost Language: Performing in Early-Recorded Style in String Quartet Repertoires”

Graham Oppenheimer (Chetham’s School of Music) “Running an educational chamber music programme remotely”

Mindaugas Urbaitis (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre) “Classical music in contemporary chamber works of Lithuanian composers”

– Members’ Forum: Presentations by Evan Rothstein “Chamber music activities under covid at the Guildhall School” and Michael Tsalka “Beethoven’s Works for Mandolin and Fortepiano. A new recording for Naxos, by Alon Sariel and Michael Tsalka”
– the ECMTA Spring Meeting April 16-18, 2021 in Vilnius
– the ECMTA Autumn Gathering in Torino 2021
– Short announcement on Website
– Q&A

I would appreciate it if all interested in making a short presentation of around 10 minutes in the Members’ Forum could let me know the topic of your presentation by October 20.

We would like to give you the opportunity to participate in the preliminary events of the meeting: Please find the link to a concert of Estonian composer Erkki-Sven Tüür’s music below, which took place in Estonian Theatre and Music Academy

The Guildhall Chamber Orchestra presents a truly delightful programme on Friday evening, conducted by a remarkable rising star.
You can watch free online!

I sincerely hope that many of you will be able to join us for the ECMTA autumn online gathering!
Looking forward to meeting you online,

With kind regards,
Maila Laidna